Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Wasting time

I sit here, eating a really good PB & J samwich, before I have to head downtown for a couple of visits. It's too late to start anything new so now I have to find something to do. Scott is working or just not answering my email. Denise is doing God knows what with God knows who! My coworkers are doing what they need to do. Jeremy can only be harassed so much in a day. I could just leave early in the crappy weather. Maybe that's what I'll do. Get to my visits early and get home to make Thanksgiving desserts before Scott's friends, Morgan and Alice (newly engaged) come over for Don's and games.
Now I wonder why Scott hasn't updated his blog.


Deneezer said...

OK.. for your information I was doing laundry by myself. You can do it Jen. No amount of hounding from Scott or I are going to make you loose the weight and from what it sounds like, you received your wake up call this morning. Stick to it and find a way to make your meetings. Without them I would have fallen off the wagon a LONG time ago. I love ya!!

silentdibs said...

Is there something I should be updating my blog about?

There will probably be something after my birthday.

WW starts after Thursday...