Thursday, April 26, 2007

What the fuck is up with people today?

Did people decide that they were going to be extremely rude and disrespectful when they woke up this morning?
I'm all for equality and shit but is it really fair that in one subway car only 3 women were sitting and the rest were men with their legs spread wide they have anything there to begin with...
Do people understand what it means to have personal space?
Do people understand that saying excuse me or sorry when the continually bump into someone is appropriate?
Do people understand that it's extremely rude to be getting into another person's business or reading over someone's shoulder?
I'm not perfect by any means but times like these, it makes it very hard for me to keep my mouth shut and not tell people exactly what I think of them and their behaviors.


Dawn T. said...

I hope you day gets better! :)

Anonymous said...

Manners are on hiatus in this country. I feel your pain. I try to be courteous where ever I go, hoping to start a trend. Sheesh! Those guys sound like they need slapping.