Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I'm tagged

Thanks Sue!

7 Random Things Meme

Lucky seven.
I've been tagged by Sue.

List 7 random things about yourself on your blog. Tag 7 others. Leave a comment on their blog to direct them to your site to get the rules.

1. I can't wait to move out of NYC

2. I have a huge nasty looking bruise on my right knee.

3. I love most sports.

4. I love candles.

5. I'm not a neat freak but every once in a while-I have the urge to clean and throw stuff out.

6. I'm sick and tired of doing social work but not really sure what I want to do when I grow up.

7. While growing up, my family raised cockatiels-my parents still have mine-JJ.

I'm not going to tag anyone so if you want to do it, knock yourself out and have fun!

1 comment:

Netter said...

I'm dealing with #5 right now. I have been trashing stuff left and right. I donated a bunch of boxes of stuff to a local church and have passed on a lot of things to friends. It just feels so good to get rid of stuff when the mood strikes. Most of the time, I'm a pack rat.

Yes, it feels great to break the rules of meme's, doesn't it.