Monday, August 27, 2007


You just never realize how much crap you have until you're trying to move it. I just went through several boxes full of books to see what ones I want to keep. The rest I posted on Paperback Swap. Hopefully I can get rid of them. Whatever ones I can't get rid of through this, I'm going to try to sell at a used bookstore. I could use the money regardless plus I have sooooooooooo many more books to go through. Guess it's a good thing that I'm starting now and not waiting to the last minute like I usually do when I move.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya! I just cleaned out my daughter's room and there were bags and bags and bags of stuff to throw away or donate - and she has the smallest room in the house! Sheesh!

Lucy said...

Hey Jen, twitter or email me your name on Paperback Swap so I can check out your books. Mine is gfigure (I think). I'll also add you on my friends for that site.

Lucy said...

PS congrats on the new move...I'll have my fingers crossed for ya!!!