Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday's Feast

This week's Friday's Feast:

When was the last time you received a surprise in the mail, and what was it?
-Christmas gifts from my exes

If you could have a summer and/or winter home, where would you want it to be?
-Hawaii...all year round

Pick one: pineapple, orange, banana, apple, cherry.

Main Course
Describe the nicest piece of clothing that you own.
-A nice springy/summery dress that I met Denzel Washington in

If you could forget one whole day from your life, which day would you choose to wipe from your memory?
-none of them. I've learned something each and every day.


Anonymous said...

oh yeah! christmas gifts from exes would really be a surprise! lol

great feast! mine's up, too!

jennyr said...

did u really meet denzel? i like him! great actor and good looking!hehehe! great FF is at Hobbies and Such

Jennifer said...

Great feast! Hope you have a great weekend! May your new year be blessed!

Jennifer :-)