Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Today's Stress

I have a few intertwined with each other. I'm taking Zeitgeist, the 18-year old cat that used to be Scott's, to the vet Friday morning. She's urinating and drinking more than usual. My hope is that it's only a UTI but my fear is that it will be much more than that. I am still trying to pay off Tiger's bill from last summer when he had to have his penis removed (sorry male blog readers). I'm concerned that I'll be giving that phone call to Scott telling him that I'm having to put her down and then in the next breath, hey can you help with the bill. Of course, just entering the vet with no money for Tiger's bill and basically nothing for Zeit's either is nerve wrecking enough-"hey, I'm sorry that I still owe you over $800 from last summer but could you just put her bill on top of that and I'll try really hard to pay you something each month? Yeah, I know I haven't been living up to my end of the deal that we made for Tiger's bill but I really can't afford that $100 a month to you guys since all of the other creditors and bill collectors want their share of my money as well. So can you just tack it on?" Stressful to say the least.

1 comment:

Dawn T. said...

(((HUGS))) Stress sucks.