Monday, June 29, 2009


Well, life is constantly changing. My uncle is still holding on. We, of course, have the deaths of Ed McMahan, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays recently. My friend at work has a new position which makes me now the senior person in my unit...gulp. I'm truly happy for her as my job is not the best suited for her but this new one is.
All the cats seem to be holding there own even though Tiger has been vomiting since last night-I'm basically keeping an eye on him since I cannot afford to bring him to the vet. Zeit is venturing out more than just staying in her sanctuary. And Suzie and Boots are Suzie and Boots.
I'm hoping to get more done on that enormous latch hook today. And I'm still trying to figure out what to make my family for Christmas.
There's been talk about camping for Labor Day weekend. I haven't been camping in years and have been wanting to go for a while now.
I'm still considering returning back to school but can't even afford the application fee-sigh. When will I ever get back on my feet?

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