Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My life

Well, yesterday consisted of ME training the newest addition to my new position. Go figure that I would be training! Luckily, it was just a small extension of what I had already been doing for my previous job so it wasn't too bad.
Met with most of my writing group members last night and went over two people's writings. I hope that it was helpful to both and now I have to think about what I'm going to submit. I'm kinda learning towards a series of poems that I've written over the years but it is harsh. I have a few short stories running through my head. It will just be a matter of sitting down and writing them out. Maybe if Scott goes gaming all weekend I can do it then but then I'll miss him and won't do a damn thing other than veg in front of the TV with the royal family. No, I just need to make my writing a priority and do it.

1 comment:

silentdibs said...

Even if I don't go gaming all weekend, you should just do it.