Friday, June 08, 2007

Friday's Feast

This week's Friday Feast:

What do you consider to be the ultimate snack food?
-anything with chocolate

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), about how popular is your last name?
-maybe a 1 or 2

Who is your all-time favorite sitcom character, and why?
-Darlene from Roseanne-I can relate to her all too well

Main Course
Do you shop online? If so, name some sites you like to browse for goodies.
-yes-Herscherrs, Amazon, Barnes and Noble

Fill in the blank: I think presidents should be outlawed.


Shaz said...

Yup! Chocolate seems to be coming out on top this week, x x x

Anonymous said...

pretty tough dessert there =) anything w/ chocolate is just oh so yummy! my feast is served!

Anonymous said...

I LOVED Roseanne--my answer too. And I agree with the chocolate too.