Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yesterday/Last night

Another crazy day yesterday at work as supervisor. Back to back meetings. Dealing with stupidity and not understanding why it has to be this way. All of this with a fever. Joy.
When I got home, Suzie would not leave me alone...not sure why. She's always bugging me for attention. Not that I really mind. Last night I was debating on working on the cross-stitch for my mom or finally catching up on the blogs that I used to read every day. Well, the blogs won out. After about an hour and fifteen minutes, I still wasn't completely caught up. It's nice to see what has been happening with my blog friends. Some have added new additions to their families, others have lost. Some are stitching away while others have been like me and life has taken over from their time.
I had a hard time sleeping last night. I probably slept all of 3-4 hours. Not a good thing.

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