Thursday, June 18, 2009


This is from Lucy Thanks!

The rules with this award are to:
1) List 7 things you love.
2) Link back to the person who gave you the award.
3) Pass it along to 7 other bloggers

Seven Things I love:
1. My kids (4 cats)
2. reading
3. doing crafts when I have the mojo to do them
4. MGD
5. Chocolate
6. having a place to live and someone to share the bills
7. my cousin

Seven Bloggers who are deserving of this award...

1. Dani
2. Sue
3. Carol
4. Becky
5. Bella
6. Paula
7. Katrina


Bella Foxx said...

Yay! I will get back to you on this probably Monday, tonight I have list to make up to e-mail, concert tomorrow (The Fray, I am so excited) Saturday in the city, Sunday rest. Thank you so much.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Cool Beans! Thanks for the award, what a boost to my day!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Cool Beans! Thanks for the award, what a boost to my day!