Wednesday, July 25, 2007

so far, so good

Had my first day yesterday of no crying about the situation with Scott. I'm still trying to understand where it went wrong but I'm trying to hold on. I'm a little peeved that some people haven't been more supportive. Haven't confronted them yet but I'm sure I will. If you offer me to stay with you and help in finding a job, then why don't you respond to my emails?


Unknown said...

Sometimes people offer things in the hope it isn't accepted. Then they feel guilty.

Things will get better each day.

Dawn T. said...

Take it one day at a time. I know it is easier said than done but it you need to vent about anything you can email me, and I mean it:)

Jenna said...

I agree with will blog for yarn. A lot of people just give you lip service during times like this. I wish that I knew you better to be able to offer you anything more significant but my support. However, you do have my support, no matter what happens. *hug*

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I'm way behind here! I'm so sorry about what has happened but want you to know that each day will get better. Stay strong. {hugs}

Unknown said...

I've been there in the same situation and it does get easier as time goes on.

You're doing way more stitching than I did, I just moped about feeling sorry for myself and I had an 18 month old to take care of too.

{{{hugs}}} I'm here if you need to talk.