Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quick post

Just wanted to aid in clarifying the confusion I might have left-in regards to my medical health-I'm overall fine-just some abnormal stuff happening that needs to be checked out.
As for the whale-people are able to adopt whales (humpbacks and killer whales mostly) and the money goes to programs to help educate people about whales and do humane research (in the wild) on whales in order to learn more about the mysterious species. So I adopted a humpback whale named Coral.
Now to my meeting.


Anonymous said...

Hope everything checks out okay. That's so nice of you to contribute - I usually give to our local humane society. Since I got our pets there, I know they need the money.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for clearing that up!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your medical situation, glad that overall is okay.

Adopting a whale is soo cool! :)