Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Despite the fact that I'm sitting in my office with a headache that doesn't seem to want to go away anytime soon, I'm in a good mood. Maybe it's because every day I realize more and more how lucky I am. I have a decent job, well at least one that I like for the most part. I'm going to hopefully finish up school soon. And most importantly, I have Scott. I can look across the room and smile to myself and think that I'm lucky to have him in my life. I can reach next to me, just to touch him and feel his warmth. Now no couple is ever happy 100% of the time and we have our moments but overall, this is probably the healthiest relationship that I have ever been in. Scary thought. Considering where I've been in the past sometimes it's hard for me to imagine me being in a healthy relationship. Scott challenges me in ways that I couldn't imagine anyone doing and it's all to better me.

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