Thursday, May 25, 2006

Living in the Big Apple

Oh the joys. You have the commutes. The ghetto bitches on the train who think that the whole world revolves around them. You have the rats that your cats decide to start playing with as soon as you come home with a major headache. And then, of course, you have the theater. Finally, Spamalot tickets are discounted and Scott and I are now going to see it on June 27. I've been wanting to see this as soon as it hit Broadway but the tickets were either sold out or WAY too expensive-try close to $300 for 2 people to go. At least now, I can get them for about half that amount and I just hope that it's worth it after the ordeal I just went through in searching for tickets.


Deneezer said...

but the world DOES revolve around me!!

ollie1976 said...

sorry cuz-you're not a ghetto bitch because we all know that the world revolves around them!