Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Michael Vick

I was going to try to keep quiet about this issue but those who know me, know that I love animals, especially dogs. I'm furious at Michael Vick's statement from after he plead guilty. He needs to grow up and mature-did he really think that dog fighting was a proper thing to do? Shit, he's 27 years old!!!! I can understand growing up in a lower class project building and not having financial stability but dog fighting? Especially when you're one of the star quarterbacks in the NFL? I'm wondering if he actually thought that he would be able to get away with it. I vote that his punishment should be entering a dog fighting ring with pits that have already been trained by assholes and see how he likes being in the middle. Oh and then kill him because he can't perform.
I just don't understand why people would do these things to animals. Shit like this doesn't help build the positive reputation that pit bulls and other "dangerous" dogs deserve. It is all up to the people that own these animals. It's up to them to train them to not fight and be some of the most wonderful creatures out there. I've had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with pits and they are some of the most lovable animals.
Ok, enough of my soap box-off to eat dinner and do some stitching.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you there. Dog fighting is just beyond comprehension.

Jenny said...

I agree too. I don't have any pets and while I think animals are just fine, I'm not a big animal lover. That said, to be cruel like that is just horrible, and I don't understand people who don't see that. There is something so depraved about torturing any living creature by forcing them to fight like that, that it is really unforgivable.