Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I'm currently reading "Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul" and I've been thinking about trying to get my writing out there in the world. Not that I have anything definite down on paper or on the computer yet but I do definitely have ideas running through my head.
I've had this dream of becoming a writer for several years. I've had some of my poetry published (hey, something that Scott probably doesn't know!) but I would like to get more out and maybe even write a book. A book on what, I don't know. I could do romance. I could do mystery, horror. I already do book reviews for MyShelf and have been doing that for several years now. I also on occasion do reviews for Harper Publishers. I would like to do more and need to get my foot in the door. Do I attempt to freelance to magazines, newspapers, etc? Do I take a copyeditor class so I can get my foot in the door that way?
I still also have the dreams that I had when I entered college-marine biology. I still would love to sit in Maui and research humpback whales but could care less about the physics, chemistry and oceangraphy that I needed to take in order to complete my degree.
I also have dreams of forensic psychology. I actually did a little research on online schools last night while waiting for Scott to get home from work.

1 comment:

silentdibs said...

I'll be your editor-for-life. I think I'm good at it.

And no reason we couldn't get a second house in Maui. Oh wait, we need a first house first...