Friday, November 04, 2005


My crazy redneck crackhead cousin, Denise, and I were talking last week about where we were a year ago. I had been thinking that it was a year ago when I took a trip to Florida to help her celebrate her birthday at Disney. I was going through a rough time and moving out away from Jeremy and she was happily involved with her boyfriend Kyle. This year, she's single and I just moved in with Scott. It's been amazing how I don't end up yelling and screaming every night like I used to. It's amazing how I can actually relax at home.
Now I wonder where I'll be next year. Hopefully things will be finalized and I will never have to deal with certain things ever again. Hopefully, Scott and I will continue to be making the positive strides that we have been making. Hopefully, Denise will find that one magnum guy who will love and appreciate her for everything that she is. Then at least I won't have to hear her complain about being lonely and single! :-)

1 comment:

Deneezer said...

You're too much. The past year was bumpy for both of us but I'm thankful for my rock that has kept me going even through your hard times. I'm even happier that you've finally found someone outside of your formal circle of possibilities who truely makes you elated and not just someone to fill the empty space.

I hope I have the opportunity to get to know my "magnum" guy better in the next year and even if he doesn't find it in him to persue what could be a fulfilling relationship, at least I know I have a friend in Michigan.

Although it it appears my luck may be changing, I'm not getting my hopes up. This has happened once before where the end result was being crushed more than ever and at the time i felt incapable of dealing with such rejection. Luckily, as you can see, I have survived and in the past 9 months I have had the incredible opportunity to learn who I am as me, not as who I'm with Mr. Wrong. I hope that when Mr. Right comes along, they will appreciate me for who I am as me and not for who they would like me to be. Because of my many therapy sessions, I have finally been able to put the above in words and honestly believe them.

Love ya!!!
crackhead cousin